How Pechay Seeds are Produce

how pechay seeds are produce

From the offspring is the start of the new plant and we can make a garden from pechay seeds.

If you want a vegetable garden, pechay is the best vegetable to start from.

 It is easy to plant and less time accommodation.

You can harvest it with more or less than month and easy to grow on tropical climate.

Pechay seeds - is something very small in size, it's color is black, the texture is quit rough, it is several and many when it produce and you hardly see it when it falls to the ground. That's the qualities and characteristics of the seed.

In producing pechay seeds there are steps, easy steps to follow that effortless to do.

The seeds are produce through the pechay's flower.

So the very important part of the pechay in order to produce seeds is the flower.

From the start we prepare the soil cultivating it, applying fertilizer, removing weeds, making seedbox, planting the vegetable, watering it and caring for the plant until the end it will produce seeds.

When pechay plant is growing and old enough it will start to have flowers.

The flowers will grow and it will reach approximately 12 inches. It will grow and become bigger.

When it is bigger enough or it grows well, it is the start to produce seeds.

You need time in order to produce seeds from the flowers. Waiting is one you need to do and it is necessary.

ADVANTAGE - When you produce seeds in your own garden it is a new way of having a knowledge. Why?

Because through the help of yourself. You know what will happen at the end.

You will see with your eyes, you will smell with your nose what is the fragrant and what is happening to the plant.

That's extra knowledge. When you gathered more seeds, you can sell it.
Seeds of the pechay is profitable when you seel it at the market.

There are people buys seeds in order to start and make their vegetable garden, and start their business in farming.

You can share the seeds to your relatives, family and friends wanting also to make a pechay vegetable garden.

DISADVANTAGE - time is the disadvantage. When all pechay vegetable are grow and you harvest it, some pechay who have flowers you want to produce seeds are the plant you will wait for.

You will wait for them in order to full growth pure seeds, and if you want to plant you can't because still there are plants on the garden waiting to produce seeds.

Pechay is one of the best vegetable because it's easy to plant and less time consuming before you can make your first harvest.

Also it is best to eat vegetable that you plant at your own garden because you really know what fertilizer is added or use, ad you can a sure that it is safe.

The vegetable garden will made through the seeds like pechay seeds until it is grow and harvest.